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About us.

Our company was founded in 1997 with the aim of standing out in the field of International Trade, since the company’s management background was gained through specific experiences in multinational companies operating in global trade.


The skills of Human Resources, the use of an Internet-based infrastructure through Web Apps and established EDI protocols allows the integration of customers and partners. This is done through a wide range of modular options in order to satisfy different project needs and provide a complete range of services. We are able to satisfy our customers in researching products abroad, so that it is possible to be competitive in domestic markets. We also guarantee the high quality of the purchased products.


Our aim is not only finding the products that our main customers requested over time, but we have also been able to establish a partnership with our customers. More specifically, we have established a close business relationship with some important structures working in Northern African countries, such as Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria and other Gulf countries. We provided them with know-how from our European experience, technical and organizational support derived from our collaboration with Italian engineering companies; but most importantly, we provided the assistance needed to maintain the industrial processes required to make a product successful, without changing the production cycle.



The supply chain is fundamental in order to increase competitiveness.

The factors which determine purchases have a great influence on the final product, in terms of quality, cost and subsequently the satisfaction of the consumer’s needs.
Our aim is to create a stable and transparent relationship with our suppliers, which allows the enhancement of their skills, resources and experiences.
We select and evaluate our suppliers according to high quality standards.

We also rely on very professional service suppliers. This is essential to offer the final customer the possibility of having their finished product delivered to their company, without having to worry about logistics. For this reason, we have selected the best carriers with highest standards of quality..


Rome, Italy
Milan, Italy
Livorno, Italia
Naples, Italia
Florence, Italy
Genoa, Italia
Hong Kong, China
Shanghai, China
Beijing, China
Tokyo, Japan
Alger, Algeria
Tunisia, Africa
Morocco, Africa


Unites States
Sri Lanka
Costa Rica

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